Monday, May 19, 2008

Can you even GET a half gallon of ice cream?

Ok, so I hear all the time that food/grocery prices have gone up over the past year. I have seen it but have not felt the pain too much until today. Can you BELIEVE that ice cream cartons are shrinking?? I was appalled - went to buy my favorite flavor of Edy's (for you westerners that is Dreyer's) and low and behold, the carton was sooo tiny! I remember in the "old days", maybe 5 years ago, you could buy a 1/2 gallon (for you non -math people that is 2 quarts) of ice cream. Then it shrunk to 1.75 quarts, and NOW---- 1.5 quarts and for the same price as when it was BIGGER. A travesty, I tell you. Now I believe all the reports. Hmm.... should I boycott the company? Nahh....better get a year's supply in my freezer before the prices go up again!!


  1. Kris and I noticed that too! I even came home to look it up because I wanted to be sure I wasn't crazy and sure enough the containers are smaller but the prices aren't!

  2. It doesn't get any better than Edy's chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream! I just thought we were running out faster because the kids were getting bigger and giving us more help in consuming it. :)

  3. I'll have to pay attention next time I go to the store. I had no idea. Rising gas prices are obvious as is the shortage on rice, but now ice cream???? I'm with you on stocking up, but I need to purchase that second freezer first.

  4. I noticed the carton size too. Some of the cartons are full-size and some smaller. Obviously, I'm going to go for the bigger size for the same price. But if they start taking all the good flavors away and making putting them into smaller cartons I don't know what I'll do.


A little note from you? Thanks!