After a fascinating trip to run some “quick” errands, I feel it necessary to speak to the local townspeople and share a few pearls of etiquette – just in case they are reading.
~~We (the collective “we”, those “around” YOU. Yes, YOU) do NOT want to hear your loud and obnoxious answers on your cell phone to your friends/co-workers while you enter Lowes. Please let us along our way.
~~Although I am not a fashionista, I am pretty sure that really low –cut jeans with short shirts and voluminous “muffin tops” are no longer in style (ok, so I am questioning whether and why they EVER were). Please, girls – large and small – COVER yourselves. I don’t want to see your ample hiney while you lean over the bananas. I do not show you mine. Perhaps you should save a few dollars and buy some pants that actually fit. I’m just sayin’.
~~To the TWO ladies in TWO different cars on TWO different phones who blocked me in the parking spot because you were not paying attention. – GET OFF the PHONE!
~~It is acceptable etiquette to move your shopping cart to the SIDE of the aisle so that people can actually negotiate AROUND you while you read the labels. Great job for reading those labels – just please move aside.
~~When someone is at the end of an aisle, against the wall, where there is no place to turn around, you should perhaps consider not ENTERING it until they make their quick ice cream selection and move out. Ponder please.
I guess it could simply be that today, when we finally have some nice warm weather, that our citizens’ brain cells were slightly…..warped. And just not thinking??
Maybe it’s just me, but I think it is more than likely a lack of manners, civility, and thinking of those around us.
I can say that now….. I am almost 50 and will be earning the run-off-at-the-mouth-opinion license.
I will not be afraid to use it.