Thursday, April 16, 2009

Good Times in Novice Gardening #3

Since I am flying to Utah in a few hours, I figured I would use my time wisely right now and blog (bloggers are sick people, aren't we?). After the rain that lasted oh, from Monday until last night,
I thought I'd update my interested gardeners on my progress:

Behold the boxes Malcolm built. Behold the mess Deon built on the tarp - the beginning of my official soil mix. Behold it drying it out since the tarp
MOSTLY shielded it from the rain.

Here is the lovely mud - great for mudpies (one of my favorite childhood activities). NOT great for starting a garden...

Good times. OH, but I did "Repurpose" (no, offense, but I really hate that word, which I think is overly used nowadays, but that is another blog post - don't hate me) the abandoned basketball hoop.
It is now.......wait for it.....look closely......

Yes, a little robin is using it as a perch! What a great idea!
Hmm...I wonder if she has a good shot?

(oh, and you googlereaders, don't forget to look at my sidebar
where I have added my official thesaurus.


  1. Oh, I thought you were going to use the net from the hoop for your square grid on top of the box!
    So far so good! I am getting so excited to do mine too! I just had an enrichment class this morning and it was very informative! I am no longer intimidated! yay!

  2. I like your boxes, now I think I need boxes to plant my squash at the top of my drive way. I was just going to plant them but now I feel I definitely need boxes. One more thing for Malcolm's ever growing honey do list.

    I do have a confession, when we were dating I would tease him because he subscribed to this magazine called "Handyman." Boy I was a silly girl!

  3. Can't wait to get my handyman working on our garden in the new house!

    for your growing thesaurus...
    cooler than cool

  4. Umm...sorry that you are coming home to rain tomorrow.

  5. Jodee- glad it's going well! Dang - shoulda thought of using the net for that purpose. What was I thinking? Love you girls - Ames', thanks for the words - I will add them!

  6. Ok so I have been wanting to start a garden, but Travis says it's to much work... Is it so hard? have any advice

  7. Yeah my email is

  8. Congratulations on your gardening. As John Denver puts it "Homegrown tomatoes, homegrown tomatoes! What would life be without homegrown tomatoes?!"
    I have a suggestion for your thesaurus. . .TERRIfic! :0)


A little note from you? Thanks!